$align = 'asset-align-'. ($attributes['align'] ? $attributes['align'] : 'none'); $content = str_replace("/>", "class=\"". $align ."\"/>", $content); return $content; } else { $class ='asset-'. $attributes['formatter'] .'-'. $attributes['format']; $class .=' asset-align-'. ($attributes['align'] ? $attributes['align'] : 'none'); $output =''. $content .''; return $output; } } /** * Theme the wizard theme selection table. */ function theme_asset_wizard_theme_form($form) { foreach (element_children($form) as $filename) { if (file_exists(dirname($filename) .'/asset_wizard.png')) { $screenshot = theme('image', dirname($filename) .'/asset_wizard.png'); } else { $screenshot ='No screenshot available'; } $rows[] = array( $screenshot, ''. basename(dirname($filename)) .'
'. $filename, drupal_render($form[$filename]), ); } return theme('table', array(t('Screenshot'), t('Name'), ''), $rows); } function theme_asset_admin_formatter_defaults($form) { $formatters = asset_get_formatters(); foreach ($formatters as $type => $exts) { $rows = array(); foreach ($exts as $ext => $formats) { unset($form[$type]['asset_default_formatter_'. $type .'_'. $ext]['#title']); unset($form[$type]['asset_default_formatter_teaser_'. $type .'_'. $ext]['#title']); $rows[] = array( $ext, drupal_render($form[$type]['asset_default_formatter_'. $type .'_'. $ext]), drupal_render($form[$type]['asset_default_formatter_teaser_'. $type .'_'. $ext]), ); } $form[$type]['#value'] = theme('table', array('', 'Full Page', 'Teaser'), $rows); } return drupal_render($form); } /** * Default rendering available to all assets. */ function theme_asset_render_default($asset) { if (substr($asset->url, 0, 5) != "http:") { $asset->url = url($asset->url); } $asset->title = $asset->title ? $asset->title : $asset->filename; return l($asset->title, $asset->url, array('attributes' => array('class' => 'asset'))); } /** * Theme the textarea link */ function theme_asset_textarea_link($element) { $link = l(t('Insert Assets'), 'asset/wizard/textarea', array( 'query' => 'textarea=' . $element['#name'], 'attributes' => array( 'class' => 'asset-textarea-link', 'id' => 'asset-link-'. $element['#id'], 'onclick' => "window.open(this.href, 'asset_textarea_link', 'width=614,height=400,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no'); return false", ))); $output = '
' . $link . '
'; return $output; } /** * Prepare an individual item for viewing in a browser. */ function theme_asset_formatter_default($element) { if (empty($element['#item'])) return ''; $item = $element['#item']; $teaser = (arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1))) ? FALSE : TRUE; if(!empty($item['aid'])) { return asset_lightbox(array($item), FALSE, $teaser); } } ?>