code == 200) { $function_matches = array(); preg_match_all('!^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+ ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\(.*\n.*$!m', $response->data, $function_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($function_matches as $function_match) { $docblock = array( 'object_name' => $function_match[1], 'branch_name' => 'php', 'object_type' => 'function', 'file_name' => $location, 'title' => $function_match[1], 'summary' => api_documentation_summary($function_match[0]), 'documentation' => $function_match[0], 'code' => '', 'signature' => '', 'start_line' => 0, 'parameters' => '', 'return_value' => '', ); api_save_documentation(array($docblock)); } } } /** * Read in the file at the given path and parse it as if it consisted entirely of * documentation. */ function api_parse_text_file($file_path, $branch_name, $file_name) { $source = file_get_contents($file_path); // Set up documentation block for file, in case it is not explicitly defined. $docblock = array( 'object_name' => $file_name, 'branch_name' => $branch_name, 'object_type' => 'file', 'file_name' => $file_name, 'title' => strpos($file_name, '/') ? substr($file_name, strrpos($file_name, '/') + 1) : $file_name, 'summary' => api_documentation_summary(api_format_documentation($source, $branch_name)), 'documentation' => api_format_documentation($source, $branch_name), 'code' => api_format_php($source), 'version' => '', 'modified' => filemtime($file_path), ); $version_match = array(); if (preg_match('!\$'.'Id: .*?,v (.*?) (.*?) (.*?) (.*?) Exp \$!', $source, $version_match)) { $docblock['version'] = $version_match[1] .' (checked in on '. $version_match[2] .' at '. $version_match[3] .' by '. $version_match[4] .')'; } api_save_documentation(array($docblock), $branch_name, $file_name); } /** * Read in the file at the given path and parse it as an HTML file. */ function api_parse_html_file($file_path, $branch_name, $file_name) { $source = file_get_contents($file_path); // Set up documentation block for file, in case it is not explicitly defined. $docblock = array( 'object_name' => $file_name, 'branch_name' => $branch_name, 'object_type' => 'file', 'file_name' => $file_name, 'title' => strpos($file_name, '/') ? substr($file_name, strrpos($file_name, '/') + 1) : $file_name, 'summary' => '', 'documentation' => '', 'code' => '
'. htmlspecialchars($source) .'
', 'version' => '', 'modified' => filemtime($file_path), ); $title_match = array(); if (preg_match('!\s*(\w.*)\s*!is', $source, $title_match)) { $docblock['title'] = $title_match[1]; } $documentation_match = array(); if (preg_match('!(.*?)?(.*)!is', $source, $documentation_match)) { $docblock['documentation'] = $documentation_match[2]; $docblock['summary'] = api_documentation_summary($documentation_match[2]); } $version_match = array(); if (preg_match('!\$'.'Id: .*?,v (.*?) (.*?) (.*?) (.*?) Exp \$!', $source, $version_match)) { $docblock['version'] = $version_match[1] .' (checked in on '. $version_match[2] .' at '. $version_match[3] .' by '. $version_match[4] .')'; } api_save_documentation(array($docblock), $branch_name, $file_name); } /** * Read in the file at the given path and parse its documentation. */ function api_parse_php_file($file_path, $branch_name, $file_name) { $source = file_get_contents($file_path); // Convert Mac/Win line breaks to Unix format. $source = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $source); $source = str_replace("\r", "\n", $source); $docblocks = array(); // Set up documentation block for file, in case it is not explicitly defined. $docblocks[0] = array( 'object_name' => $file_name, 'branch_name' => $branch_name, 'object_type' => 'file', 'file_name' => $file_name, 'title' => strpos($file_name, '/') ? substr($file_name, strrpos($file_name, '/') + 1) : $file_name, 'summary' => '', 'documentation' => '', 'code' => api_format_php($source), 'version' => '', 'modified' => filemtime($file_path), ); $version_match = array(); if (preg_match('!\$'.'Id: .*?,v (.*?) (.*?) (.*?) (.*?) Exp \$!', $source, $version_match)) { $docblocks[0]['version'] = $version_match[1] .' (checked in on '. $version_match[2] .' at '. $version_match[3] .' by '. $version_match[4] .')'; } $nested_groups = array(); $docblock_matches = array(); preg_match_all('!/\*\*(.*?)\*/!s', $source, $docblock_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); foreach ($docblock_matches as $docblock_match) { $docblock = array( 'object_name' => '', 'branch_name' => $branch_name, 'object_type' => '', 'file_name' => $file_name, 'title' => '', 'summary' => '', 'documentation' => '', 'code' => '', ); $docblock['content'] = str_replace(array("\n *", "\n "), array("\n", "\n"), $docblock_match[1][0]); $docblock['start'] = $docblock_match[0][1]; $docblock['length'] = strlen($docblock_match[0][0]); $code_start = $docblock['start'] + $docblock['length'] + 1; $docblock['start_line'] = substr_count(substr($source, 0, $code_start), "\n"); // Determine what kind of documentation block this is. if (substr($source, $code_start, 8) == 'function') { $function_matches = array(); $docblock['object_type'] = 'function'; preg_match('!^function (&?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\(.*?)\s*\{!', substr($source, $code_start), $function_matches); $docblock['object_name'] = $function_matches[2]; $docblock['title'] = $function_matches[2]; $docblock['signature'] = $function_matches[1]; // We rely on the Drupal coding convention that functions are closed in column 1. $code_end = strpos($source, "\n}", $code_start) + 2; $docblock['code'] = substr($source, $code_start, $code_end - $code_start); $docblock['code'] = api_format_php(""); // Find parameter definitions. $param_match = array(); $offset = 0; $docblock['parameters'] = ''; while (preg_match('/' . API_RE_TAG_START . 'param(.*?)(?=\n' . API_RE_TAG_START . '|\n\n|$)/s', substr($docblock['content'], $offset), $param_match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { $docblock['content'] = str_replace($param_match[0][0], '', $docblock['content']); $docblock['parameters'] .= "\n\n". $param_match[1][0]; $offset = $param_match[0][1]; } $docblock['parameters'] = api_format_documentation($docblock['parameters'], $branch_name); // Find return value definitions. $return_matches = array(); $docblock['return_value'] = ''; preg_match_all('/' . API_RE_TAG_START . 'return(.*?)(\n' . API_RE_TAG_START . '|\n\n|$)/s', $docblock['content'], $return_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($return_matches as $return_match) { $docblock['content'] = str_replace($return_match[0], '', $docblock['content']); $docblock['return_value'] .= "\n\n". $return_match[1]; } $docblock['return_value'] = api_format_documentation($docblock['return_value'], $branch_name); $docblock['function calls'] = api_parse_function_calls($docblock['code']); // Determine group membership. $group_matches = array(); preg_match_all('/' . API_RE_TAG_START . '(ingroup|addtogroup) ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/', $docblock['content'], $group_matches); $docblock['groups'] = $group_matches[2]; $docblock['content'] = preg_replace('/' . API_RE_TAG_START . 'ingroup.*?\n/', '', $docblock['content']); foreach ($nested_groups as $group_id) { if (!empty($group_id)) { $docblock['groups'][] = $group_id; } } } else if (substr($source, $code_start, 6) == 'define') { $constant_matches = array(); $docblock['object_type'] = 'constant'; preg_match('!^define\([\'"]([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[\'"]!', substr($source, $code_start), $constant_matches); $docblock['object_name'] = $constant_matches[1]; $docblock['title'] = $constant_matches[1]; $code_end = strpos($source, ';', $code_start) + 1; $docblock['code'] = substr($source, $code_start, $code_end - $code_start); $docblock['code'] = api_format_php(""); // Determine group membership. $group_matches = array(); preg_match_all('/' . API_RE_TAG_START . '(ingroup|addtogroup) ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/', $docblock['content'], $group_matches); $docblock['groups'] = $group_matches[2]; $docblock['content'] = preg_replace('/' . API_RE_TAG_START . 'ingroup.*?\n/', '', $docblock['content']); foreach ($nested_groups as $group_id) { if (!empty($group_id)) { $docblock['groups'][] = $group_id; } } } else if (substr($source, $code_start, 6) == 'global') { $global_matches = array(); $docblock['object_type'] = 'global'; preg_match('!^global (\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)!', substr($source, $code_start), $global_matches); $docblock['object_name'] = substr($global_matches[1], 1); $docblock['title'] = $global_matches[1]; $code_end = strpos($source, ';', $code_start) + 1; $docblock['code'] = substr($source, $code_start, $code_end - $code_start); $docblock['code'] = api_format_php(""); $docblock['start_line'] = substr_count(substr($source, 0, $code_start), "\n"); // Determine group membership. $group_matches = array(); preg_match_all('/' . API_RE_TAG_START . '(ingroup|addtogroup) ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/', $docblock['content'], $group_matches); $docblock['groups'] = $group_matches[2]; $docblock['content'] = preg_replace('/' . API_RE_TAG_START . 'ingroup.*?\n/', '', $docblock['content']); foreach ($nested_groups as $group_id) { if (!empty($group_id)) { $docblock['groups'][] = $group_id; } } } elseif (strpos($docblock['content'], '@mainpage') !== FALSE) { $mainpage_matches = array(); preg_match('/' . API_RE_TAG_START . 'mainpage (.*?)\n/', $docblock['content'], $mainpage_matches); $docblock['title'] = $mainpage_matches[1]; $docblock['content'] = preg_replace('/' . API_RE_TAG_START . 'mainpage.*?\n/', '', $docblock['content']); $docblock['object_type'] = 'mainpage'; $docblock['object_name'] = $branch_name; } elseif (strpos($docblock['content'], '@file') !== FALSE) { $docblocks[0]['content'] = str_replace('@file', '', $docblock['content']); $docblocks[0]['documentation'] = api_format_documentation($docblocks[0]['content'], $branch_name); $docblocks[0]['summary'] = api_documentation_summary($docblocks[0]['documentation']); } elseif (strpos($docblock['content'], '@defgroup') !== FALSE) { $group_matches = array(); if (preg_match('/' . API_RE_TAG_START . 'defgroup ([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+) +(.*?)\n/', $docblock['content'], $group_matches)) { $docblock['object_name'] = $group_matches[1]; $docblock['title'] = $group_matches[2]; $docblock['content'] = preg_replace('/' . API_RE_TAG_START . 'defgroup.*?\n/', '', $docblock['content']); $docblock['object_type'] = 'group'; } else { watchdog('api', 'Malformed @defgroup in %file at line %line.', array('%file' => $file_path, '%line' => $docblock['start_line']), WATCHDOG_NOTICE); } } // Handle nested function groups. if (strpos($docblock['content'], '@{') !== FALSE) { if ($docblock['object_type'] == 'group') { array_push($nested_groups, $docblock['object_name']); } else { $group_matches = array(); if (preg_match('/' . API_RE_TAG_START . '(ingroup|addtogroup) ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/', $docblock['content'], $group_matches)) { array_push($nested_groups, $group_matches[2]); } else { array_push($nested_groups, ''); } } } if (strpos($docblock['content'], '@}') !== FALSE) { array_pop($nested_groups); } if ($docblock['object_type'] != '') { $docblock['documentation'] = api_format_documentation($docblock['content'], $branch_name); $docblock['summary'] = api_documentation_summary($docblock['documentation']); $docblocks[] = $docblock; } } // Find undocumented functions. $function_matches = array(); preg_match_all('%(? $function_match[2][0], 'branch_name' => $branch_name, 'object_type' => 'function', 'file_name' => $file_name, 'title' => $function_match[2][0], 'summary' => '', 'documentation' => '', 'code' => ''); $docblock['signature'] = $function_match[1][0]; $docblock['parameters'] = ''; $docblock['return_value'] = ''; $docblock['groups'] = array(); $code_start = $function_match[0][1]; $code_end = strpos($source, "\n}", $code_start) + 2; $docblock['code'] = substr($source, $code_start, $code_end - $code_start); $docblock['code'] = api_format_php(""); $docblock['function calls'] = api_parse_function_calls($docblock['code']); $docblock['start_line'] = substr_count(substr($source, 0, $code_start), "\n"); $docblocks[] = $docblock; } // Find undocumented constants. $constant_matches = array(); preg_match_all('%(? $constant_match[1][0], 'branch_name' => $branch_name, 'object_type' => 'constant', 'file_name' => $file_name, 'title' => $constant_match[1][0], 'summary' => '', 'documentation' => '', 'code' => ''); $docblock['groups'] = array(); $code_start = $constant_match[0][1]; $code_end = strpos($source, ';', $code_start) + 1; $docblock['code'] = substr($source, $code_start, $code_end - $code_start); $docblock['code'] = api_format_php(""); $docblock['start_line'] = substr_count(substr($source, 0, $code_start), "\n"); $docblocks[] = $docblock; } // Find undocumented globals. $global_matches = array(); preg_match_all('%(? $global_match[1][0], 'branch_name' => $branch_name, 'object_type' => 'global', 'file_name' => $file_name, 'title' => $global_match[1][0], 'summary' => '', 'documentation' => '', 'code' => '', ); $docblock['groups'] = array(); $code_start = $global_match[0][1]; $code_end = strpos($source, ';', $code_start) + 1; $docblock['code'] = substr($source, $code_start, $code_end - $code_start); $docblock['code'] = api_format_php(""); $docblock['start_line'] = substr_count(substr($source, 0, $code_start), "\n"); $docblocks[] = $docblock; } api_save_documentation($docblocks, $branch_name, $file_name); } /** * Find functions called in a formatted block of code. */ function api_parse_function_calls($code) { $function_call_matches = array(); $function_calls = array(); preg_match_all('!([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\(!', $code, $function_call_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); array_shift($function_call_matches); // Remove the first match, the function declaration itself. foreach ($function_call_matches as $function_call_match) { $function_calls[$function_call_match[1]] = $function_call_match[1]; } return $function_calls; } /** * Save a documentation block into the database. * * @param $docblocks * An array containing information about the documentation block. * @param $branch_name * If set, old documentation will be removed for the branch and file name. * @param $file_name * If set, old documentation will be removed for the branch and file name. * @return * The documentation ID of the inserted/updated construct. */ function api_save_documentation($docblocks, $branch_name = NULL, $file_name = NULL) { if (!is_null($branch_name)) { $old_dids = array(); $result = db_query("SELECT did FROM {api_documentation} WHERE branch_name = '%s' AND file_name = '%s'", $branch_name, $file_name); while ($object = db_fetch_object($result)) { $old_dids[] = $object->did; } } $dids = array(); foreach ($docblocks as $docblock) { $did = db_result(db_query("SELECT did FROM {api_documentation} WHERE object_name = '%s' AND branch_name = '%s' AND object_type = '%s'", $docblock['object_name'], $docblock['branch_name'], $docblock['object_type'], $docblock['file_name'])); if ($did > 0) { db_query("UPDATE {api_documentation} SET title = '%s', file_name = '%s', summary = '%s', documentation = '%s', code = '%s' WHERE did = %d", $docblock['title'], $docblock['file_name'], $docblock['summary'], $docblock['documentation'], $docblock['code'], $did); } else { $node = new stdClass(); $node->type = 'api'; $node->uid = 0; if (module_exists('comment')) { $node->comment = COMMENT_NODE_READ_WRITE; } node_save($node); $did = $node->nid; db_query("INSERT INTO {api_documentation} (did, object_name, branch_name, object_type, title, file_name, summary, documentation, code) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", $did, $docblock['object_name'], $docblock['branch_name'], $docblock['object_type'], $docblock['title'], $docblock['file_name'], $docblock['summary'], $docblock['documentation'], $docblock['code']); } switch ($docblock['object_type']) { case 'function': db_query('DELETE FROM {api_function} WHERE did = %d', $did); db_query("INSERT INTO {api_function} (did, signature, start_line, parameters, return_value) VALUES (%d, '%s', %d, '%s', '%s')", $did, $docblock['signature'], $docblock['start_line'], $docblock['parameters'], $docblock['return_value']); if (isset($docblock['function calls'])) { db_query("DELETE FROM {api_reference_storage} WHERE branch_name = '%s' AND object_type = 'function' AND from_did = %d", $docblock['branch_name'], $did); foreach ($docblock['function calls'] as $function_name) { api_reference($docblock['branch_name'], 'function', $function_name, $did); } } break; case 'file': db_query('DELETE FROM {api_file} WHERE did = %d', $did); db_query("INSERT INTO {api_file} (did, modified, version) VALUES (%d, %d, '%s')", $did, $docblock['modified'], $docblock['version']); break; } if (isset($docblock['groups'])) { db_query("DELETE FROM {api_reference_storage} WHERE branch_name = '%s' AND object_type = 'group' AND from_did = %d", $docblock['branch_name'], $did); foreach ($docblock['groups'] as $group_name) { api_reference($docblock['branch_name'], 'group', $group_name, $did); } } $dids[] = $did; } if (!is_null($branch_name)) { $old_dids = array_diff($old_dids, $dids); if (count($old_dids) > 0) { $old_dids = implode(',', $old_dids); db_query('DELETE FROM {api_documentation} WHERE did IN (%s)', $old_dids); db_query('DELETE FROM {api_file} WHERE did IN (%s)', $old_dids); db_query('DELETE FROM {api_function} WHERE did IN (%s)', $old_dids); db_query('DELETE FROM {api_reference_storage} WHERE from_did IN (%s) OR to_did IN (%s)', $old_dids, $old_dids); } } api_schedule_shutdown(); } /** * Format a documentation block as HTML. */ function api_format_documentation($documentation, $branch_name) { // Don't do processing on empty text (so we don't end up with empty paragraphs). $documentation = trim($documentation); if (empty($documentation)) { return ''; } $documentation = check_plain($documentation); // @link full URLs. $documentation = preg_replace('/' . API_RE_TAG_START . 'link ((http:\/\/|https:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|mailto:|smb:\/\/|afp:\/\/|file:\/\/|gopher:\/\/|news:\/\/|ssl:\/\/|sslv2:\/\/|sslv3:\/\/|tls:\/\/|tcp:\/\/|udp:\/\/)([a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+*~#?&=.,\/;-]*[a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+*~#&=\/;-])) (.*?) ' . API_RE_TAG_START . 'endlink/', '$4', $documentation); // Site URLs. $documentation = preg_replace('/' . API_RE_TAG_START . 'link \/([a-zA-Z0-9_\/-]+) (.*?) ' . API_RE_TAG_START . 'endlink/', str_replace('%24', '$', l('$2', '$1')), $documentation); // Process the @see tag $documentation = preg_replace('/\n' . API_RE_TAG_START . 'see (.*[^.])\.?/', '

See also


', $documentation); // Replace left over curly braces $documentation = preg_replace('/' . API_RE_TAG_START . '[{}]/', '', $documentation); // Process the @code @endcode tags. $documentation = preg_replace_callback('/' . API_RE_TAG_START . 'code(.+?)' . API_RE_TAG_START . 'endcode/s', 'api_format_embedded_php', $documentation); // Format lists $documentation = api_format_documentation_lists($documentation); // Convert newlines into paragraphs. $documentation = api_autop($documentation); return $documentation; } /** * Like _filter_autop(), but does not add
tags. */ function api_autop($text) { // All block level tags $block = '(?:table|thead|tfoot|caption|colgroup|tbody|tr|td|th|div|dl|dd|dt|ul|ol|li|pre|select|form|blockquote|address|p|h[1-6]|hr)'; // Split at
, ,  tags.
  // We don't apply any processing to the contents of these tags to avoid messing
  // up code. We look for matched pairs and allow basic nesting. For example:
  // "processed 
 ignored  ignored 
processed" $chunks = preg_split('@(]*>)@i', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); // Note: PHP ensures the array consists of alternating delimiters and literals // and begins and ends with a literal (inserting NULL as required). $ignore = FALSE; $ignoretag = ''; $output = ''; foreach ($chunks as $i => $chunk) { if ($i % 2) { // Opening or closing tag? $open = ($chunk[1] != '/'); list($tag) = split('[ >]', substr($chunk, 2 - $open), 2); if (!$ignore) { if ($open) { $ignore = TRUE; $ignoretag = $tag; } } // Only allow a matching tag to close it. else if (!$open && $ignoretag == $tag) { $ignore = FALSE; $ignoretag = ''; } } else if (!$ignore) { $chunk = preg_replace('|\n*$|', '', $chunk) ."\n\n"; // just to make things a little easier, pad the end $chunk = preg_replace('|
|', "\n\n", $chunk); $chunk = preg_replace('!(<'. $block .'[^>]*>)!', "\n$1", $chunk); // Space things out a little $chunk = preg_replace('!()!', "$1\n\n", $chunk); // Space things out a little $chunk = preg_replace("/\n\n+/", "\n\n", $chunk); // take care of duplicates $chunk = preg_replace('/\n?(.+?)(?:\n\s*\n|\z)/s', "


\n", $chunk); // make paragraphs, including one at the end $chunk = preg_replace('|


\n|', '', $chunk); // under certain strange conditions it could create a P of entirely whitespace $chunk = preg_replace("|

(|", "$1", $chunk); // problem with nested lists $chunk = preg_replace('|

]*)>|i', "

", $chunk); $chunk = str_replace('

', '

', $chunk); $chunk = preg_replace('!

\s*(]*>)!', "$1", $chunk); $chunk = preg_replace('!(]*>)\s*

!', "$1", $chunk); $chunk = preg_replace('/&([^#])(?![A-Za-z0-9]{1,8};)/', '&$1', $chunk); } $output .= $chunk; } return $output; } /** * Regexp replace callback for code tags. */ function api_format_embedded_php($matches) { return "\n\n". api_format_php("") ."\n\n"; } /** * Parse a block of text for lists that use hyphens or asterisks as bullets, and * format them as proper HTML lists. */ function api_format_documentation_lists($documentation) { $lines = explode("\n", $documentation); $output = ''; $bullet_indents = array(-1); foreach ($lines as $line) { $matches = array(); preg_match('!^( *)([*-] )?(.*)$!', $line, $matches); $indent = strlen($matches[1]); $bullet_exists = $matches[2]; if ($indent < $bullet_indents[0]) { // First close off any lists that have completed. while ($indent < $bullet_indents[0]) { array_shift($bullet_indents); $output .= ''; } } if ($indent == $bullet_indents[0]) { if ($bullet_exists) { // A new bullet at the same indent means a new list item. $output .= '
  • '; } else { // If the indent is the same, but there is no bullet, that also // signifies the end of the list. array_shift($bullet_indents); $output .= '
  • '; } } if ($indent > $bullet_indents[0] && $bullet_exists) { // A new list at a lower level. array_unshift($bullet_indents, $indent); $output .= ''; } return $output; } /** * Retrieve a summary from a documentation block. */ function api_documentation_summary($documentation) { $pos = strpos($documentation, "

    "); if ($pos !== FALSE) { $documentation = substr($documentation, 0, $pos); } $documentation = trim(strip_tags($documentation)); if (strlen($documentation) > 255) { return substr($documentation, 0, strrpos(substr($documentation, 0, 252), ' ')) .'...'; } else { return $documentation; } } /** * Colorize and format a PHP script. */ function api_format_php($code) { $output = ''; if (!defined('T_ML_COMMENT')) { define('T_ML_COMMENT', T_COMMENT); } if (!defined('T_DOC_COMMENT')) { define('T_DOC_COMMENT', T_COMMENT); } $tokens = token_get_all($code); $in_string = FALSE; foreach ($tokens as $token) { if ($in_string) { if ($token == '"') { $output .= '"'; $in_string = FALSE; } else { $output .= is_array($token) ? htmlspecialchars($token[1]) : htmlspecialchars($token); } continue; } else if ($token == '"') { $output .= '"'; $in_string = TRUE; continue; } if (is_array($token)) { $type = $token[0]; $value = htmlspecialchars($token[1]); switch ($type) { case T_OPEN_TAG: case T_CLOSE_TAG: $output .= ''. $value .''; break; case T_COMMENT: case T_ML_COMMENT: case T_DOC_COMMENT: $output .= ''. $value .''; break; case T_VARIABLE: $output .= ''. $value .''; break; case T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING: case T_INLINE_HTML: $output .= ''. $value .''; break; case T_STRING: $output .= ''. $value .''; break; case T_LNUMBER: case T_DNUMBER: $output .= ''. $value .''; break; case T_ARRAY_CAST: case T_ARRAY: case T_AS: case T_BOOL_CAST: case T_BREAK: case T_CASE: case T_CLASS: case T_CONST: case T_CONTINUE: case T_DECLARE: case T_DEFAULT: case T_DO: case T_DOUBLE_CAST: case T_ECHO: case T_ELSE: case T_ELSEIF: case T_EMPTY: case T_ENDDECLARE: case T_ENDFOR: case T_ENDFOREACH: case T_ENDIF: case T_ENDSWITCH: case T_ENDWHILE: case T_EVAL: case T_EXIT: case T_EXTENDS: case T_FOR: case T_FOREACH: case T_FUNCTION: case T_GLOBAL: case T_IF: case T_INCLUDE_ONCE: case T_INCLUDE: case T_INT_CAST: case T_ISSET: case T_LIST: case T_NEW: case T_OBJECT_CAST: case T_PRINT: case T_REQUIRE_ONCE: case T_REQUIRE: case T_RETURN: case T_STATIC: case T_STRING_CAST: case T_SWITCH: case T_UNSET_CAST: case T_UNSET: case T_USE: case T_VAR: case T_WHILE: $output .= ''. $value .''; break; default: $output .= $value; } } else { $output .= $token; } } // Manage whitespace: return '
    '. trim($output) .'
    '; } /** * Since we may parse a file containing a reference before we have parsed the * file containing the referenced object, we keep track of the references * using a scratch table and save the references to the database table after the * referenced object has been parsed. */ function api_reference($branch_name, $to_type, $to_name, $from_did) { static $is_php_function = array(); if ($to_type == 'function' && !isset($is_php_function[$to_name])) { $is_php_function[$to_name] = (db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {api_documentation} WHERE object_name = '%s' AND branch_name = 'php'", $to_name)) == 1); } if ($to_type != 'function' || !$is_php_function[$to_name]) { db_query("INSERT INTO {api_reference_storage} (object_name, branch_name, object_type, from_did) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', %d)", $to_name, $branch_name, $to_type, $from_did); } } function api_schedule_shutdown() { static $scheduled = FALSE; if (!$scheduled) { register_shutdown_function('api_shutdown'); $scheduled = TRUE; } } /** * Update the references that were collected, update JSON object list, clear * cache. */ function api_shutdown() { // Figure out all the dids of the object/branch/types. db_query('UPDATE {api_reference_storage} r INNER JOIN {api_documentation} d ON r.object_name = d.object_name AND r.branch_name = d.branch_name AND r.object_type = d.object_type SET r.to_did = d.did'); $directory = file_directory_path(); if (is_dir($directory) && is_writable($directory) && (variable_get('file_downloads', FILE_DOWNLOADS_PUBLIC) == FILE_DOWNLOADS_PUBLIC)) { $path = file_create_path('api'); file_check_directory($path, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY); $date = gmdate('U'); foreach (api_get_branches() as $branch_name => $branch) { $new_json = api_autocomplete($branch_name, FALSE); $old_file_name = variable_get('api_autocomplete_path_' . $branch_name, FALSE); if ($old_file_name !== FALSE) { $old_file_path = str_replace(base_path(), '', $old_file_name); if (md5($new_json) === md5(file_get_contents($old_file_path))) { continue; // No changes, no file write. } // Delete in the future, help avoid race conditions. job_queue_add('file_delete', t('Remove expired API JSON, %path.'), array('%path' => $old_file_path)); } $file_name = $path . '/api-' . $branch_name . '-' . $date . '.json'; file_save_data($new_json, $file_name, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); variable_set('api_autocomplete_path_' . $branch_name, base_path() . $file_name); } } cache_clear_all(); } function api_update_all_branches() { foreach (api_get_branches() as $branch) { api_update_branch($branch); } } function api_update_branch($branch) { static $parse_functions = array( 'php' => 'api_parse_php_file', 'module' => 'api_parse_php_file', 'inc' => 'api_parse_php_file', 'install' => 'api_parse_php_file', 'engine' => 'api_parse_php_file', 'theme' => 'api_parse_php_file', 'profile' => 'api_parse_php_file', 'txt' => 'api_parse_text_file', 'htm' => 'api_parse_html_file', 'html' => 'api_parse_html_file', ); // List all documented files for the branch. $files = array(); $result = db_query("SELECT f.did, f.modified, d.object_name FROM {api_documentation} d INNER JOIN {api_file} f ON d.did = f.did WHERE d.branch_name = '%s' AND d.object_type = 'file'", $branch->branch_name); while ($file = db_fetch_object($result)) { $files[$file->object_name] = $file; } foreach (api_scan_directories($branch->directories, $branch->excluded_directories) as $path => $file_name) { preg_match('!\.([a-z]*)$!', $file_name, $matches); if (isset($matches[1]) && isset($parse_functions[$matches[1]])) { if (isset($files[$file_name])) { $parse = (filemtime($path) > $files[$file_name]->modified); unset($files[$file_name]); // All remaining files will be removed. } else { // New file. $parse = TRUE; } if ($parse) { job_queue_add($parse_functions[$matches[1]], t('API parse %branch %file'), array($path, '%branch' => $branch->branch_name, '%file' => $file_name), drupal_get_path('module', 'api') .'/', TRUE); } } } // Remove outdated files. foreach (array_keys($files) as $file_name) { watchdog('api', 'Removing %file.', array('%file' => $file_name)); $result = db_query("SELECT ad.did FROM {api_documentation} ad WHERE ad.file_name = '%s' AND ad.branch_name = '%s'", $file_name, $branch->branch_name); while ($doc = db_fetch_object($result)) { db_query("DELETE FROM {api_documentation} WHERE did = %d", $doc->did); db_query("DELETE FROM {api_file} WHERE did = %d", $doc->did); db_query("DELETE FROM {api_function} WHERE did = %d", $doc->did); db_query("DELETE FROM {api_reference_storage} WHERE from_did = %d OR to_did = %d", $doc->did, $doc->did); } api_schedule_shutdown(); } } /** * Find all the files in the directories specified for a branch. */ function api_scan_directories($directories, $excluded_directories) { $directory_array = explode("\n", $directories); $excluded_array = explode("\n", $excluded_directories); if (count($directory_array) > 1) { $directories_components = array(); foreach ($directory_array as $directory) { $directory_components = array(); $parts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $directory); foreach ($parts as $part) { if (strlen($part)) { array_unshift($directory_components, reset($directory_components) .'/'. $part); } } $directories_components[] = $directory_components; } $common_ancestor_components = call_user_func_array('array_intersect', $directories_components); $common_ancestor = reset($common_ancestor_components); } else { $common_ancestor = $directories; } $source_files = array(); foreach ($directory_array as $directory) { $files = file_scan_directory($directory, '.*'); foreach ($files as $path => $file) { if (strpos($path, '/.') !== FALSE) { continue; } $excluded = FALSE; // If the file is in an excluded path, ignore it foreach ($excluded_array as $excluded_path) { if (!empty($excluded_path) && (strpos($path, $excluded_path) === 0)) { $excluded = TRUE; } } if (!$excluded) { $file_name = substr($path, strlen($common_ancestor) + 1); $source_files[$path] = $file_name; } } } return $source_files; }