0) { $form['branches'] = array( '#theme' => 'api_branch_table', ); foreach ($branches as $branch) { if ($branch->status) { $form['branches'][$branch->branch_id]['default_branch'] = array( '#type' => 'radio', '#default_value' => variable_get('api_default_branch', NULL), '#return_value' => $branch->branch_id, ); } else { $form['branches'][$branch->branch_id]['default_branch'] = array(); } $form['branches'][$branch->branch_id]['project'] = array( '#value' => $branch->project, ); $form['branches'][$branch->branch_id]['title'] = array( '#value' => l($branch->title, 'admin/settings/api/branches/'. $branch->branch_id), ); $form['branches'][$branch->branch_id]['branch_name'] = array( '#value' => $branch->branch_name, ); } } else { $form['branches'] = array( '#value' => '

'. t('There are no branches yet. You can add a branch.', array('@url' => url('admin/settings/api/branches/new'))) .'

', ); } $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save changes'), ); return $form; } /** * Themes the table of defined branches for api_admin_form(). */ function theme_api_branch_table($element) { $header = array( t('Default'), t('Project'), t('Branch title'), t('Branch name'), ); $rows = array(); foreach (element_children($element) as $key) { $row = array(); foreach (element_children($element[$key]) as $child) { $row[] = drupal_render($element[$key][$child]); } $rows[] = $row; } return theme('table', $header, $rows); } /** * Submit callback for api_page_admin_form(). */ function api_page_admin_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { if (!empty($form_state['values']['default_branch'])) { variable_set('api_default_branch', $form_state['values']['default_branch']); } // We may have menu changes, so clear the menu cache for all users. cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_menu', TRUE); drupal_set_message(t('Changes saved.')); } /** * Page callback for admin/settings/api/branches/new. */ function api_admin_new_branch_page() { return '

' . t('Select branch type') . '

' . theme('links', array( 'files' => array( 'title' => t('Files'), 'href' => 'admin/settings/api/branches/new/files', ), 'php' => array( 'title' => t('PHP functions'), 'href' => 'admin/settings/api/branches/new/php', ), )); } /** * Generates the edit form for a branch. * * @see api_branch_edit_form_files() * @see api_branch_edit_form_php() * @see api_branch_edit_form_validate() * @see api_branch_edit_form_submit() */ function api_branch_edit_form($form_state, $branch_id = NULL) { $branches = api_get_branches(); if (is_numeric($branch_id)) { $branch = $branches[$branch_id]; } else { $branch->branch_id = 0; $branch->type = $branch_id; $branch->project = ''; $branch->branch_name = ''; $branch->title = ''; $branch->directories = ''; $branch->excluded_directories = ''; $branch->status = TRUE; } $form = array( '#branch' => $branch, ); $form['project'] = array( '#title' => t('Project'), '#type' => 'textfield', '#default_value' => $branch->project, '#description' => t('Used as both a unique identifier for the project, and as the URL prefix for documentation for this project (path: api/[project]). You can add a branch to an existing project by entering the existing project name here. You can make this branch be part of a new project by entering a new project name here, and then add additional branches if desired.'), '#required' => TRUE, ); $form['branch_name'] = array( '#title' => t('Branch'), '#type' => 'textfield', '#default_value' => $branch->branch_name, '#description' => t('Identifier for this branch within this project. Used as the URL suffix for documentation pages for this branch. Also displayed as the version name, in the Versions section at the top of function pages and similar pages (variables, constants, etc.).'), '#required' => TRUE, ); $form['title'] = array( '#title' => t('Branch title'), '#type' => 'textfield', '#default_value' => $branch->title, '#description' => t('Used as the tab title for branch tabs, if you have more than one branch within your project. The title of the first branch within the project is also used as the link text in the Other Projects link sections (these links appear at the bottom of API pages such as the functions list and the home page for each project, if you have more than one project).'), '#required' => TRUE, ); $form['status'] = array( '#title' => t('Show this branch in tabs'), '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => $branch->status, ); $form['data'] = array('#tree' => TRUE); $function = 'api_branch_edit_form_' . $branch->type; $function($form, $branch); $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save branch'), ); if (is_numeric($branch_id)) { $form[] = array( '#value' => l(t('Delete'), 'admin/settings/api/branches/'. $branch->branch_id .'/delete'), ); } return $form; } /** * Generates the form for editing file data for branches. * * This is called from api_branch_edit_form_files() if the branch type is * "files". */ function api_branch_edit_form_files(&$form, $branch) { $form['data']['directories'] = array( '#title' => t('Directories'), '#type' => 'textarea', '#default_value' => $branch->directories, '#rows' => 3, '#description' => t('Absolute paths to index, one per line.'), '#required' => TRUE, '#element_validate' => array('api_check_directories'), ); $form['data']['excluded_directories'] = array( '#title' => t('Excluded directories'), '#type' => 'textarea', '#default_value' => $branch->excluded_directories, '#rows' => 3, '#description' => t('Absolute paths to exclude from the index, one per line.'), '#element_validate' => array('api_check_directories'), ); } /** * Generates the form for editing PHP function data for branches. * * This is called from api_branch_edit_form_files() if the branch type is * "php". */ function api_branch_edit_form_php(&$form, $branch) { $form[] = array('#value' => '

' . t('Links to external documentation, such as the PHP manual.') . '

'); $form['data']['summary'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Function list'), '#default_value' => $branch->summary, '#required' => TRUE, '#description' => t('The URL of the PHP function summary document.'), ); $form['data']['path'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Function URL'), '#default_value' => $branch->path, '#required' => TRUE, '#description' => t('The URL format used to build the link to php functions. Use the variable !function in place of the function name.'), ); // PHP manual reference will never be visible in the UI. $form['project']['#type'] = 'value'; $form['project']['#value'] = 'php'; $form['title']['#type'] = 'value'; $form['title']['#value'] = 'php'; $form['status']['#type'] = 'value'; $form['status']['#value'] = FALSE; } /** * Validation callback for api_branch_edit_form(). */ function api_branch_edit_form_validate($form, &$form_state) { // Check for bad characters in branch names. if (preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9-_.]/', $form_state['values']['branch_name'])) { form_set_error('branch_name', t("Only letters, numbers, '.', '-' and '_' are allowed in the branch name, as it is used as an URL suffix.")); } // Check for duplicate branch names. if (db_result(db_query("SELECT 1 FROM {api_branch} WHERE branch_id <> %d AND project = '%s' AND branch_name = '%s'", $form['#branch']->branch_id, $form_state['values']['project'], $form_state['values']['branch_name']))) { form_set_error('branch_name', t('%project and %branch_name is already used by another branch.', array('%project' => $form_state['values']['project'], '%branch_name' => $form_state['values']['branch_name']))); } } /** * Verifies that all directories exist and are actually directories. * * Element validation callback for 'data'/'directories' element of * api_branch_edit_form_files(). */ function api_check_directories($element, &$form_state) { // Check for valid directories. foreach (explode("\n", $element['#value']) as $directory) { $directory = trim($directory); if (!empty($directory)) { if (!is_dir($directory)) { form_set_error($element['#name'], t('%directory is not a directory.', array('%directory' => $directory))); } elseif (!is_readable($directory)) { form_set_error($element['#name'], t('%directory is not readable by PHP.', array('%directory' => $directory))); } } } form_set_value($element, api_clean_directory_list($element['#value']), $form_state); } /** * Submit callback for api_branch_edit_form(). */ function api_branch_edit_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $branch = $form['#branch']; $branch->project = $form_state['values']['project']; $branch->branch_name = $form_state['values']['branch_name']; $branch->title = $form_state['values']['title']; $branch->status = $form_state['values']['status']; $branch->data = $form_state['values']['data']; api_save_branch($branch); drupal_set_message(t('Saved %branch_name.', array('%branch_name' => $branch->branch_name))); $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/settings/api'; } /** * Trims whitespace, and removes trailing directory separators and blank lines. */ function api_clean_directory_list($list) { $array = explode("\n", $list); foreach ($array as $key => $directory) { $array[$key] = rtrim(trim($directory), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if (empty($array[$key])) { unset($array[$key]); } } return implode("\n", $array); } /** * Generates the confirmation form for deleting a branch. * * @see api_branch_delete_form_submit() */ function api_branch_delete_form($form_state, $branch_id) { $branches = api_get_branches(); return confirm_form(array('#branch' => $branches[$branch_id]), t('Are you sure you want to delete %branch_name?', array('%branch_name' => $branches[$branch_id]->branch_name)), 'admin/settings/api', NULL, t('Delete')); } /** * Submit callback for api_branch_delete_form(). */ function api_branch_delete_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $result = db_query("SELECT did FROM {api_documentation} WHERE branch_id = %d", $form['#branch']->branch_id); $dids = array(); while ($did = db_fetch_object($result)) { $dids[] = $did->did; } if (count($dids) > 0) { $placeholders = db_placeholders($dids); db_query("DELETE FROM {api_file} WHERE did IN (". $placeholders .")", $dids); db_query("DELETE FROM {api_function} WHERE did IN (". $placeholders .")", $dids); } db_query("DELETE FROM {api_reference_storage} WHERE branch_id = %d", $form['#branch']->branch_id); db_query("DELETE FROM {api_documentation} WHERE branch_id = %d", $form['#branch']->branch_id); db_query("DELETE FROM {api_branch} WHERE branch_id = '%s'", $form['#branch']->branch_id); if (variable_get('api_default_branch', NULL) == $form['#branch']->branch_id) { variable_set('api_default_branch', NULL); } menu_rebuild(); $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/settings/api'; } /** * Generates the settings form for API comments. * * Page callback for path admin/settings/api/comments. * * @see api_comments_settings_form_submit(). */ function api_comments_settings_form(&$form_state) { $type = new stdClass(); $type->type = 'api'; $form = array( '#node_type' => $type, 'identity' => array( 'type' => array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => 'api', ), ), ); comment_form_alter($form, $form_state, 'node_type_form'); unset($form['comment']['#type']); $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save comment settings'), ); return $form; } /** * Submit callback for api_comments_settings_form(). */ function api_comments_settings_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { foreach ($form_state['values'] as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, 'comment') === 0) { variable_set($key . '_api', $value); } } drupal_set_message(t('Saved API comment settings.')); }