2008-08-26 14:50 dwolfe * Apache/Solr/Service/Balancer.php: Changed default value for $_backoffLimit to 10 minutes instead of 1 minute. 2008-08-26 13:52 dwolfe * Apache/Solr/Service/Balancer.php, Solr.clss: Added an increasing backoff interval for SOLR write server selection. See core ticket #274. 2008-05-01 05:52 djimenez * Apache/Solr/Service/Balancer.php: Looking at the load balanced solr's on production it became obvious it was completely silly to ping a solr service on selection. Instead, we select a read service at random (if there are more than one) and use it until there is a connection problem - then and ONLY then do we ping it to decide if we should retry the call. If the ping timesout then we select another read service (if one is available) and continue 2008-04-11 20:46 djimenez * Apache/Solr/Service/Balancer.php: doubled timeouts on balancer so I'll see less exceptions during high load 2008-01-26 01:03 djimenez * Apache/Solr/Response.php: HTTP 100 Continue response can also be returned before the REAL status header, so instead of just looking at the first http header we should look through until the last one. the spec for ref.: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.1 Thanks to Daniel Andersson for pointing out this oversight - again, probably related to his build's used of libcurl for URL wrappers 2008-01-26 00:48 djimenez * Apache/Solr/Service.php: \r\n added to the end Content-Type header was causing problems when compiled with the --with-curlwrappers options. It had always seemed wrong to me, but the documentation wasn't explicit as to whether it was added directly to the headers or not. THANKS TO Daniel Andersson for finding this bug, since our php build is not compiled with this options and we never would have found it ourselves. 2008-01-14 19:12 djimenez * Apache/Solr/Response.php, Apache/Solr/Service.php, Solr.clss: Using the json.nl parameter instead of mapping namedLists with my own code. Added getters / setters for optional enhancements. 2007-10-19 16:42 djimenez * Apache/Solr/Response.php, Apache/Solr/Service.php: Added extra options to Apache_Solr_Response to allow the turning off of special "corrections" we do to the json response. In cases where this isn't needed OR isn't desired it can be a small speed boost. Changed the implementation of Apache_Solr_Service::search to use http_build_query - had to combine it with a preg_replace, but this is still significantly faster than doing all the urlencoding ourselves in a loop written in PHP. 2007-10-17 15:14 djimenez * Apache/Solr/Document.php, Apache/Solr/Response.php, Apache/Solr/Service.php, Apache/Solr/Service/Balancer.php: Added ability to keep Response object from creating documents (can save a little time when you don't need them). Also, updated the balancer so that it will try other services during a communication error on a call. 2007-10-02 16:54 djimenez * Apache/Solr/Response.php: Missed changing the package / subpackage pair. refs #29 2007-10-02 02:52 djimenez * Apache/Solr/Service.php: Got rid of the const defined defaults for host, port and path. Now defined within the constructor signature so its easier to override in a subclass 2007-09-28 22:40 djimenez * Apache/Solr/Document.php, Apache/Solr/Response.php, Apache/Solr/Service, Apache/Solr/Service.php, Apache/Solr/Service/Balancer.php, trunk/application/cit5_solr/start.inc: Add the Apache_Solr_Service_Balancer ref. implementation for selecting from multiple read or write solr instances (such as in a replicated solr environment). Made the ping function of Service more useful and faster. stopped ignoring when we couldn't talk to a server (now throws a communication error exception). refs #29 2007-09-24 22:17 djimenez * Apache, Apache/Solr, Apache/Solr/Document.php, Apache/Solr/Response.php, Apache/Solr/Service.php, Solr/Document.php, Solr/Response.php, Solr/Service.php, trunk/application/cit5_solr/start.inc: been suggested by community to change class namespace to Apache_Solr... have kept subclasses for backwards compatibility with code we have already need config constants for now closes #10, #16