disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default handler disabled initially */ $handler->api_version = 1; $handler->name = 'user_view_panel_context_2'; $handler->task = 'user_view'; $handler->subtask = ''; $handler->handler = 'panel_context'; $handler->weight = -9; $handler->conf = array( 'autogenerate_title' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Advanced Profile Kit - User Profile', 'no_blocks' => 0, 'css_id' => 'user-profile', 'css' => '', 'css_cache_file' => '', 'contexts' => array(), 'relationships' => array( 0 => array( 'context' => 'argument_uid_1', 'name' => 'node_from_user', 'id' => 2, 'identifier' => 'Profile Node', 'keyword' => 'content_profile', 'relationship_settings' => array( 'type' => 'uprofile', ), ), ), 'access' => array( 'logic' => 'and', ), ); $display = new panels_display; $display->layout = 'flexible'; $display->layout_settings = array( 'items' => array( 'canvas' => array( 'type' => 'row', 'contains' => 'column', 'children' => array( 0 => 'main', ), 'parent' => NULL, ), 'main' => array( 'type' => 'column', 'width' => 100, 'width_type' => '%', 'children' => array( 0 => 1, 1 => 'main-row', ), 'parent' => 'canvas', ), 'main-row' => array( 'type' => 'row', 'contains' => 'region', 'children' => array( 0 => 'center', ), 'parent' => 'main', ), 'center' => array( 'type' => 'region', 'title' => 'Bottom', 'width' => 100, 'width_type' => '%', 'parent' => 'main-row', ), 1 => array( 'type' => 'row', 'contains' => 'column', 'children' => array( 0 => 2, 1 => 3, ), 'parent' => 'main', ), 2 => array( 'type' => 'column', 'width' => '225', 'width_type' => 'px', 'parent' => '1', 'children' => array( 0 => 4, ), ), 3 => array( 'type' => 'column', 'width' => '70', 'width_type' => '%', 'parent' => '1', 'children' => array( 0 => 5, 1 => 6, ), ), 4 => array( 'type' => 'row', 'contains' => 'region', 'children' => array( 0 => 'left', ), 'parent' => '2', ), 'left' => array( 'type' => 'region', 'title' => 'Left', 'width' => 100, 'width_type' => '%', 'parent' => '4', ), 5 => array( 'type' => 'row', 'contains' => 'region', 'children' => array( 0 => 'right', ), 'parent' => '3', ), 'right' => array( 'type' => 'region', 'title' => 'Right', 'width' => 100, 'width_type' => '%', 'parent' => '5', ), 6 => array( 'type' => 'row', 'contains' => 'region', 'children' => array( 0 => 'right_bottom', ), 'parent' => '3', ), 'right_bottom' => array( 'type' => 'region', 'title' => 'Right bottom', 'width' => 100, 'width_type' => '%', 'parent' => '6', ), ), ); $display->panel_settings = array( 'right' => array( 'style' => 'default', ), 'style_settings' => array( 'default' => NULL, 'center' => NULL, 'left' => NULL, 'right' => NULL, 'right_bottom' => NULL, ), 'right_bottom' => array( 'style' => 'default', ), 'left' => array( 'style' => 'default', ), 'center' => array( 'style' => 'default', ), ); $display->cache = array(); $display->title = 'Profile of %user'; $display->content = array(); $display->panels = array(); $pane = new stdClass; $pane->pid = 'new-1'; $pane->panel = 'center'; $pane->type = 'facebook_status_stream'; $pane->subtype = 'facebook_status_stream'; $pane->shown = TRUE; $pane->access = array(); $pane->configuration = array( 'view_name' => 'facebook_status', 'context' => 'argument_uid_1', 'override_title' => 1, 'override_title_text' => '%user\'s wall', ); $pane->cache = array(); $pane->style = array( 'settings' => NULL, ); $pane->css = array( 'css_id' => 'profile-wall', 'css_class' => '', ); $pane->extras = array(); $pane->position = 0; $display->content['new-1'] = $pane; $display->panels['center'][0] = 'new-1'; $pane = new stdClass; $pane->pid = 'new-2'; $pane->panel = 'left'; $pane->type = 'author_pane'; $pane->subtype = 'author_pane'; $pane->shown = TRUE; $pane->access = array(); $pane->configuration = array( 'image_path' => NULL, 'template_file' => NULL, 'context' => 'argument_uid_1', 'override_title' => 1, 'override_title_text' => '', 'caller' => 'advanced_profile', 'picture_preset' => '', ); $pane->cache = array(); $pane->style = array( 'settings' => NULL, ); $pane->css = array( 'css_id' => 'profile-author-pane', 'css_class' => '', ); $pane->extras = array(); $pane->position = 0; $display->content['new-2'] = $pane; $display->panels['left'][0] = 'new-2'; $pane = new stdClass; $pane->pid = 'new-3'; $pane->panel = 'left'; $pane->type = 'content_fieldgroup'; $pane->subtype = 'uprofile:group_contact'; $pane->shown = TRUE; $pane->access = array(); $pane->configuration = array( 'empty' => '', 'context' => 'relationship_node_from_user_2', 'override_title' => 1, 'override_title_text' => 'Contact %user', 'label' => 'normal', 'format' => 'simple', ); $pane->cache = array(); $pane->style = array( 'settings' => NULL, ); $pane->css = array( 'css_id' => 'profile-contact', 'css_class' => '', ); $pane->extras = array(); $pane->position = 1; $display->content['new-3'] = $pane; $display->panels['left'][1] = 'new-3'; $pane = new stdClass; $pane->pid = 'new-4'; $pane->panel = 'left'; $pane->type = 'content_fieldgroup'; $pane->subtype = 'uprofile:group_stats'; $pane->shown = TRUE; $pane->access = array(); $pane->configuration = array( 'empty' => '', 'context' => 'relationship_node_from_user_2', 'override_title' => 1, 'override_title_text' => 'Stats', 'label' => 'normal', 'format' => 'simple', ); $pane->cache = array(); $pane->style = array( 'settings' => NULL, ); $pane->css = array( 'css_id' => 'profile-stats', 'css_class' => '', ); $pane->extras = array(); $pane->position = 2; $display->content['new-4'] = $pane; $display->panels['left'][2] = 'new-4'; $pane = new stdClass; $pane->pid = 'new-5'; $pane->panel = 'left'; $pane->type = 'content_fieldgroup'; $pane->subtype = 'uprofile:group_links'; $pane->shown = TRUE; $pane->access = array(); $pane->configuration = array( 'empty' => '', 'context' => 'relationship_node_from_user_2', 'override_title' => 1, 'override_title_text' => 'Links', 'label' => 'normal', 'format' => 'simple', ); $pane->cache = array(); $pane->style = array( 'settings' => NULL, ); $pane->css = array( 'css_id' => 'profile-links', 'css_class' => '', ); $pane->extras = array(); $pane->position = 3; $display->content['new-5'] = $pane; $display->panels['left'][3] = 'new-5'; $pane = new stdClass; $pane->pid = 'new-6'; $pane->panel = 'left'; $pane->type = 'profile_visitors'; $pane->subtype = 'profile_visitors'; $pane->shown = TRUE; $pane->access = array(); $pane->configuration = array( 'context' => 'argument_uid_1', 'override_title' => 0, 'override_title_text' => '', ); $pane->cache = array(); $pane->style = array( 'settings' => NULL, ); $pane->css = array( 'css_id' => 'profile-visitors', 'css_class' => '', ); $pane->extras = array(); $pane->position = 4; $display->content['new-6'] = $pane; $display->panels['left'][4] = 'new-6'; $pane = new stdClass; $pane->pid = 'new-7'; $pane->panel = 'right'; $pane->type = 'content_field'; $pane->subtype = 'field_uprofile_about_me'; $pane->shown = TRUE; $pane->access = array(); $pane->configuration = array( 'label' => 'normal', 'formatter' => 'default', 'context' => 'relationship_node_from_user_2', 'override_title' => 1, 'override_title_text' => 'About %user:user', ); $pane->cache = array(); $pane->style = array( 'settings' => NULL, ); $pane->css = array(); $pane->extras = array(); $pane->position = 0; $display->content['new-7'] = $pane; $display->panels['right'][0] = 'new-7'; $pane = new stdClass; $pane->pid = 'new-8'; $pane->panel = 'right'; $pane->type = 'content_field'; $pane->subtype = 'field_uprofile_interests'; $pane->shown = TRUE; $pane->access = array(); $pane->configuration = array( 'label' => 'normal', 'formatter' => 'default', 'context' => 'relationship_node_from_user_2', 'override_title' => 1, 'override_title_text' => 'Interests', ); $pane->cache = array(); $pane->style = array( 'settings' => NULL, ); $pane->css = array(); $pane->extras = array(); $pane->position = 1; $display->content['new-8'] = $pane; $display->panels['right'][1] = 'new-8'; $pane = new stdClass; $pane->pid = 'new-9'; $pane->panel = 'right_bottom'; $pane->type = 'views_panes'; $pane->subtype = 'apk_ur_friends_gallery-panel_pane_1'; $pane->shown = TRUE; $pane->access = array(); $pane->configuration = array( 'items_per_page' => '12', 'context' => array( 0 => 'argument_uid_1', ), 'override_title' => 1, 'override_title_text' => 'Friends', 'use_pager' => 1, 'pager_id' => '1', ); $pane->cache = array(); $pane->style = array( 'settings' => NULL, ); $pane->css = array( 'css_id' => 'profile-friends', 'css_class' => '', ); $pane->extras = array(); $pane->position = 0; $display->content['new-9'] = $pane; $display->panels['right_bottom'][0] = 'new-9'; $pane = new stdClass; $pane->pid = 'new-10'; $pane->panel = 'right_bottom'; $pane->type = 'views_panes'; $pane->subtype = 'apk_user_posts-panel_pane_1'; $pane->shown = TRUE; $pane->access = array(); $pane->configuration = array( 'more_link' => 1, 'items_per_page' => '10', 'context' => array( 0 => 'argument_uid_1', ), 'override_title' => 1, 'override_title_text' => 'Topics %user participated in', ); $pane->cache = array(); $pane->style = array( 'settings' => NULL, ); $pane->css = array( 'css_id' => 'profile-posts', 'css_class' => '', ); $pane->extras = array(); $pane->position = 1; $display->content['new-10'] = $pane; $display->panels['right_bottom'][1] = 'new-10'; $display->hide_title = PANELS_TITLE_FIXED; $display->title_pane = '0'; $handler->conf['display'] = $display; // END HANDLER EXPORT ******************************************************/ $handlers[$handler->name] = $handler; return $handlers; }