// $Id: INSTALL.txt,v 1.2 2009-03-06 03:02:41 ultimateboy Exp $ INSTALLATION ------------ 1. BACKUP YOUR DATABASE (if something goes wrong) 2. INSTALL ADMIN MESSAGE Unpack the module in your sites module directory. Then browse to "Administer" -> "Site building" -> "Modules" and enable the module. 3. CONFIGURE ADMIN MESSAGE The module provides the block "Admin messages" where the messages are listed and can be closed by the users. Enable it at "Administer" -> "Site building" -> "Blocks". You probably want to hide the block for anonymous users: configure the block and check "authenticated user" at "Show block for specific roles". 4. CREATE A MESSAGE Go to "Create content" -> "Admin message" and enter a message. Optionally set "Message visibility" options. It should show up in the block when saved. NOTE: There is no access control included, just the standard access provided by Drupal, which means that all users with "access content" permission can view messages. So don't provide any sensitive information. Access to the node and the block will be used. 5. THEMING Admin messages are themed via a template file. Copy the admin-message-node-tpl.php file to your theme and alter the file as needed. This file is the wrapper for each node. If you want to theme each node individually, use the standard node-[type].tpl.php which in this case is node-admin-message.tpl.php. This can be used to remove the title of the node or remove cck fields or such.