/* $Id: README.txt,v 2007-12-02 05:28:00 sun Exp $ */ -- SUMMARY -- Drupal Administration Menu displays the whole menu tree below /admin including all invisible local tasks in a drop-down menu. So administrators need less time to access pages which are only visible after one or two clicks normally. Admin menu also provides hook_admin_menu() that allows other modules to add or alter menu items. For a full description visit the project page: http://drupal.org/project/admin_menu Bug reports, feature suggestions and latest developments: http://drupal.org/project/admin_menu/issues -- REQUIREMENTS -- None. -- INSTALLATION -- * Copy admin_menu module to your modules directory and enable it on the admin modules page. -- CONFIGURATION -- * Go to Administer -> User management -> Access control and assign permissions for Drupal Administration Menu: - access administration menu: Displays Drupal Administration Menu. - display drupal links: Displays additional links to Drupal.org and issue queues of all enabled contrib modules in the Drupal Administration Menu icon. -- CUSTOMIZATION -- * You have two options to override the admin menu icon: 1) Disable it via CSS in your theme: body #admin_menu-icon { display: none; } 2) Alter the image by overriding the theme function: Copy the whole function theme_admin_menu_icon() into your template.php, rename it to f.e. phptemplate_admin_menu_icon() and customize the output according to your needs. -- TROUBLESHOOTING -- * If admin menu is not displayed, check the following steps: - Is the 'access administration menu' permission enabled? - Does your theme output $closure? (See FAQ below for more info) * If your theme uses absolute or fixed positioned elements, and the default margin-top for
is not sufficient, you need to override admin menu's stylesheet in your theme. * If admin menu is rendered behind a flash movie object, you need to add the following property to your flash object(s):
See http://drupal.org/node/195386 for further information.
-- FAQ --
Q: After upgrading to 5.x-2.x, admin_menu disappeared. Why?
A: This should not happen. If it did, visit
Q: After upgrading, the menu item 'administer' is no longer removed. Why?
A: Prior to release 5.x-1.2, Drupal Administration Menu was output via
hook_block(), which allowed to alter the global menu array. Since 5.x-1.2, it
is output via hook_footer() and thus no longer able to alter the menu. As
long as there will be no built-in solution in an upcoming release, you may
perform the following steps as a workaround:
- Create a new menu.
- Edit the menu item 'administer' and select the new menu as parent.
Q: I enabled "Aggregate and compress CSS files", but I found admin_menu.css is
still there, is it normal?
A: Yes, this is the intended behavior. Since admin_menu is only visible for
logged-on administrative users, it would not make sense to load its
stylesheet for all, including anonymous users.
Current maintainers:
* Daniel F. Kudwien (sun) - dev@unleashedmind.com
* Stefan M. Kudwien (smk-ka) - dev@unleashedmind.com
This project has been sponsored by:
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to get you started. Visit http://www.unleashedmind.com for more information.