TRUE, '#theme' => 'admin_settings_form' ); $form['admin_toolbar']['layout'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Layout'), '#description' => t('Choose a layout for the admin toolbar. Vertical works well with large, wide screens. Horizontal works well on screens with limited real estate.'), '#options' => array( 'horizontal' => t('Horizontal'), 'vertical' => t('Vertical'), ), '#default_value' => admin_get_settings('layout'), ); $form['admin_toolbar']['position'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Position'), '#description' => t('Choose a position for the admin toolbar that will not collide with other elements in your current theme.'), '#options' => array( 'ne' => t('Top right'), 'nw' => t('Top left'), 'se' => t('Bottom right'), 'sw' => t('Bottom left'), ), '#default_value' => admin_get_settings('position'), ); $block_info = array(); foreach (module_implements('block') as $module) { $module_blocks = module_invoke($module, 'block', 'list'); if ($module_blocks) { foreach ($module_blocks as $delta => $info) { $block_info["{$module}-{$delta}"] = $info; } } } // Get default block options. $options = array(); $enabled = array_filter(admin_get_settings('blocks')) + admin_get_default_blocks(TRUE); foreach ($block_info as $bid => $info) { if (!empty($enabled[$bid])) { $options[$bid] = $info['info']; } } asort($options); $form['admin_toolbar']['blocks'] = array( '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => admin_get_settings('blocks'), ); // Grab an array of human-readable module names. It hurts that we need to do this. $result = db_query("SELECT name,type,info FROM {system} WHERE type = 'module' AND status = 1"); $modules = array(); while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) { $info = unserialize($row->info); $modules[$row->name] = isset($info['name']) ? $info['name'] : $row->name; } foreach (array_diff_key($block_info, $options) as $bid => $info) { $module = array_shift(explode('-', $bid)); $module = isset($modules[$module]) ? $modules[$module] : $module; $custom_options[$module][$bid] = $info['info']; } $custom_options = $custom_options + array(-1 => '<'. t('Choose a block') .'>'); ksort($custom_options); $form['admin_toolbar']['custom'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $custom_options, '#default_value' => -1, '#element_validate' => array('admin_settings_form_custom_validate'), '#description' => t('Enable other blocks for use in the admin toolbar.'), ); $form['admin_toolbar']['add'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Add block'), ); return system_settings_form($form); } /** * Element validator for custom block adder. Moves values within * $form_state['values'] and prevents additional variables from being saved. */ function admin_settings_form_custom_validate($element, &$form_state) { if ($form_state['values']['admin_toolbar']['custom'] != -1) { $bid = $form_state['values']['admin_toolbar']['custom']; $form_state['values']['admin_toolbar']['blocks'][$bid] = $bid; } unset($form_state['values']['admin_toolbar']['custom']); unset($form_state['values']['admin_toolbar']['add']); } /** * Theme function for the admin settings form. */ function theme_admin_settings_form($form) { $rows = array(); // Admin blocks $header = array(array('data' => t('Administrative blocks'), 'colspan' => 2)); $default_blocks = admin_get_default_blocks(TRUE); foreach ($default_blocks as $block) { $rows[] = array(array( 'data' => drupal_render($form['blocks'][$block]), 'colspan' => 2 )); } // "Custom" blocks $custom = array_diff(element_children($form['blocks']), $default_blocks); $rows[] = array(array('data' => t('Other blocks'), 'colspan' => 2, 'header' => TRUE)); if (!empty($custom)) { foreach ($custom as $block) { $rows[] = array(array( 'data' => drupal_render($form['blocks'][$block]), 'colspan' => 2 )); } } $rows[] = array(drupal_render($form['custom']), drupal_render($form['add'])); $form['blocks']['#children'] = theme('table', $header, $rows); return drupal_render($form); }