t('Activity API tests'), 'desc' => t('Test activity_insert_activity and activity_get_activity'), 'group' => 'Activity Tests', ); } function setUp() { parent::setUp(); //count current activities. $this->beginning_aid = db_result(db_query("SELECT MAX(aid) FROM {activity}")); //get the last id from sequences. $this->sequences_id = db_result(db_query("SELECT id FROM {sequences} WHERE name = 'activity'")); } function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); db_query('DELETE FROM {activity} WHERE aid > %d', $this->beginning_aid); db_query("UPDATE {sequences} SET id = %d WHERE name = 'activity'", $this->sequences_id); } function testActivityGetInfo() { $this->drupalModuleEnable('nodeactivity'); // Assert that the api function activity_get_info exists if ($this->assertTrue(function_exists('activity_get_info'), '%s '. t('Asserting that activity_get_info exists'))) { // It exists. Let's call it. $info = activity_get_info(); // The API's contract is to return an array. $this->assertTrue(is_array($info), '%s '. t('Assrting that return value is an array.')); // Assert that all of the modules we're looking for are in the array. $this->assertTrue(in_array('nodeactivity', array_keys($info)), '%s '. t('Asserting that nodeactivity is one of the returned values.')); } } /** * - ability to pass in user or null * - when null global user should be used. * - the return value should be 1 greater than the previous greatest activity. */ function testInsertActivity() { //insert some permutations of activites. $tokens = array('dummydata' => 'foobar'); $module = 'simpletest'; $type = 'testing'; $action = 'insert'; $uid = 4711; $aid = activity_insert($module, $type, $action, $tokens, $uid); // $aid is supposed to be the id of the resultant insert. Assert that it is. $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($aid), '%s '. t('activity_insert is supposed to return a numeric id')); // $aid is supposed to have incremented by 1 over the begninng. $this->assertEqual($aid, $this->sequences_id + 1, '%s '. t('the insert created an aid that is one greater than the previous.')); // Manually get the information from the activity table which we just put in. $activity = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {activity} WHERE aid = %d", $aid)); $this->assertEqual($activity->uid, $uid, '%s '. t('uid is supposed to be @uid', array('@uid' => $uid))); $this->assertEqual($activity->module, $module, '%s '. t('module is supposed to be @module', array('@module' => $module))); $this->assertEqual($activity->type, $type, '%s '. t('type is supposed to be @type', array('@type' => $type))); $this->assertEqual($activity->action, $action, '%s '. t('action is supposed to be @action', array('@action' => $action))); $new_tokens = unserialize($activity->tokens); $this->assertTrue(is_array($new_tokens), '%s '. t('Supposed to be an array')); $this->assertTrue((count(array_diff($new_tokens, $tokens)) === 0), '%s '. t('There are supposed to be no differences between the tokens arrays')); // Test that not passing a $user_id results in the global $user->uid being used. global $user; $global_uid = $user->uid; $aid2 = activity_insert($module, $type, $action, serialize($tokens)); // $aid is supposed to be the id of the resultant insert. Assert that it is. $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($aid2), '%s '. t('activity_insert is supposed to return a numeric id')); // $aid is supposed to have incremented by 2 over the begninng. $this->assertEqual($aid2, $this->sequences_id + 2, '%s '. t('the insert created an aid that is two greater than the beginning.')); // Now assert that the $global_uid and the inserted uid are the same. $activity2 = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {activity} WHERE aid = %d", $aid2)); $this->assertEqual($global_uid, $activity2->uid, '%s '. t('The inserted uid (@uid1) is supposed to be equal to the global $user->uid (@uid2).', array('@uid1' => $aid2, '@uid2' => $activity2->uid))); } /** * Test activity_get_activity * Assert that function can take an array of arbitrary uids or NULL * Can take an optional array of module names to filter the results * Takes a pager parameter * Support HTML tables with tablesort query additions * Should always return an array, even if empty. * array items shall be ordered by database so that tablesort queries are possible. */ function testGetActivity() { // Does this function exist? $this->assertTrue(function_exists('activity_get_activity')); // Make a new user to test with $tester = $this->drupalCreateUserRolePerm(); // Create some activity $module = 'simpletest'; $type = 'test'; $action = 'dosomething'; $tokens = array('[user_name]' => $tester->name); $aid = activity_insert($module, $type, $action, $tokens, $tester->uid); $activity = activity_get_activity(); $this->assertTrue(is_array($activity), '%s '. t('Return value must be array.')); // Assert that each of the following only returns the one activity we inserted. $activities[1] = activity_get_activity($tester->uid); $activities[2] = activity_get_activity(array($tester->uid)); $activities[3] = activity_get_activity(array($tester->uid, 999999)); $activities[4] = activity_get_activity(array($tester->uid), array($module)); $activities[5] = activity_get_activity($tester->uid, NULL, 40); foreach ($activities as $key => $activity) { $this->assertEqual(1, count($activity), $key. ': %s '. t('Expecting 1 activty.')); $this->assertEqual($aid, $activity[0]['aid'], $key. ': %s '. t('Expecting aid to be @aid. Found @activity_id.', array('@aid' => $aid, '@activity_id' => $activity[0]['aid']))); } // Test the filter process // Invent some more modules $modules = array('huba', 'foobar', 'barbaz'); // Create a lot of new activities. for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++) { $module = $modules[$i]; for ($j=0; $j<50; $j++) { activity_insert($module, $type, $action, $tokens, $tester->uid); } } $activity = activity_get_activity(array($tester->uid)); $this->assertEqual(151, count($activity), '%s '. t('Expecting 151 activities.')); $activity = activity_get_activity('*', array('huba')); $this->assertEqual(50, count($activity), '%s '. t('Expecting 50 huba activities.')); $activity = activity_get_activity('*', array('huba', 'foobar')); $this->assertEqual(100, count($activity), '%s '. t('Expecting 100 huba and foobar activities.')); $activity = activity_get_activity('*', array('huba', 'foobar'), 17); $this->assertEqual(17, count($activity), '%s '. t('Expecting 17 huba and foobar activities on one page.')); $activity = activity_get_activity(1, array('huba', 'foobar')); $this->assertEqual(0, count($activity), '%s '. t('Expecting 0 huba and foobar activities created by user #1.')); } }